Words of Love and Gratitude

Read about the experiences of past clients and their loved ones. We are honoured to have had the opportunity to work with so many wonderful individuals and families, and to have been a part of their special moments. 

April 2023

Blessing Way Ceremony

Nerina was put in charge of arranging a Blessing way for my upcoming birth, with the challenge of me being very far away from all my friends. Keeping it a complete surprise from me as well, she exceeded my expectations when a little pre-birth ceremony planned between just the two of us, turned out to be a gathering of friends, blessing my transition into motherhood.

Even though, most of my friends were online, there were some that could make it in person also to my surprise. Everyone made a special flag, with a personal message for me and my baby, that Nerina brought to me when she flew up. And one friend made me a beautiful flower crown and another a stunning dream catcher as well as gifts for the baby. Everything was so well thought out and Nerina brought it all together with lots of delicate thought and effort. For all the friends that were also far away, she even made the flags for them.
We did a beautiful ceremony in presence of everyone on-line, handed out the gifts.
I was pampered with a foot bath, massage and belly painting afterwards.
It was such a magical day and I truly felt held and cherished by my friends as I am going through my transition into motherhood.

I have had the honor of being a part of other ceremonies and events that Nerina has been in charge of, and now my own. I can truly say that she brings with her an extraordinary and passionate energy that stands out in all that she hosts.

She is always 3 steps ahead of your own needs, going over and beyond her duties to ensure a smooth and one of a kind experience. Even though she has a unique stamp in the way she hosts, she is very much in tune with your own needs and desires for the event.

I am happy to recommend Nerina’s services to anyone that wishes to host an event that is one-of-a-kind, tailor made to your own beliefs and values, with a sprinkle of rainbow magic on top!

– Jeanelle

April 2023

May 2022

New Parents Ceremony

Nerina really had the amazing ability to bring my partner and me closer together at a time when we really couldn’t see past our own egos or stresses.

She showed us, through different meditation practices and ceremonies, how to really connect with each other in a way I’ve never really been able to connect with my partner…

This was also during my first pregnancy when I was at my most vulnerable. I would highly recommend Nerina’s cleansing ceremonies and I’m looking forward to my next one!

– Emma

May 2022

January 2022

Coming of Age Ceremony

There is nothing more special than connecting and bonding with your daughter on a heart-to-heart & soul-to-soul level.

Passing down your own inner wisdom about womanhood and teaching them about the sacredness of our femininity / menstruation and how we don’t need to feel ashamed about it at all.

As well as how and why it affects us the way that it does 🙂

Creating a safe space for them to show up and to share and to just be their true authentic selves…

This is what we experienced with Nerina at our becoming of age ceremony!

We both walked away with open hearts feeling closer than ever before 🙏🏻

Thank you for taking the time and for creating the space for these beautiful mom and daughter / sisterhood sessions.

They are POWER!

The world needs more of this connection and unity.

– Kathrijn

January 2022
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